To reach our goal of return of the Bearded Vulture to its alpine habitat, the Foundation Pro Bearded Vulture has to rely on generous support. We are grateful for any financial contribution:
Bank account for donations:
Graubündner Kantonalbank, 7002 Chur, PC 70-216-5
Beneficiary:: Pro Bartgeier, Zernez, Konto: CD 254.175.000
IBAN: CH03 0077 4155 2541 7500 0
We are happy to send you a payment slip:: contact
Unless otherwise wished, every donation over Sfr 50.- will be named in the Annual Report and thanked with a personal letter (a confirmation of the donation is also possible for smaller amounts). Donations of more than 300.- will have a special mention in the Annual Report.
Graubündner Kantonalbank, 7002 Chur, PC 70-216-5
Begünstigter: Pro Bartgeier, Zernez, Konto: CD 254.175.000
IBAN: CH03 0077 4155 2541 7500 0